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The Cattery

Ours is a small cattery taking its first steps. We have been working with Maine Coons since 2008, but just in 2010 we began...

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Who we are

We are Carla and Gianni and sometime ago we decided to get a couple of cats and then we started to get ...

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Le Regine

Crissie e Angel

Per quanto un maschio felino possa essere bello e maestoso, per quanto possa esprimere la possenza e l'agilità allo stato perfetto della sua natura, nulla sarà mai comparabile con il magnetismo del felino femmina. 

Lei è la cacciatrice per eccellenza, il pericolo numero uno di chi insidia i suoi cuccioli, lei è la regina incontrastata del suo territorio, la depositaria della magia felina.

In questo innamoramento per Sua Felintà, abbiamo scelto le nostre femmine: sguardo magnetico, eleganza senza pari e tutto il fascino delle sue arti magiche.


I've always wanted a tabby cat. I've had every color's cats, but when it was time to start from scratch, it was crystal clear I had to have a ginger cat!

So we decided to have only red male cats, specializing in this color.

Bono, the first of these cats, developed the "S" gene which carries white spots and transmitted to his son Rhum. Our ginger cats have white medallions on their chest! Given that we don't control destiny, the second specialization was self-fulfilling with Jonathan. He is the last jewel of Hic Sunt Leones cattery, even a bicolored cat, not only a medallion!

We love them this way, majestic but not gigantic, large yet elegant. Their felines nature has to show in their walk, when they run and climb. On the other side, they are also very sweet and enjoy pampering and cuddling... irresistible!

So watch out, HIC SUNT LEONES!!!